Did someone say coconut white balsamic?

We wanted to sample something different at the 2015 Fancy Food Show in San Francisco. Coconut White Balsamic Vinegar definitely stood out as one of our more unique products and we decided to showcase it.

We found a super delicious Vanilla Greek Yogurt that we topped with a drizzle of the Coconut White Balsamic Vinegar.  The feedback was overwhelming. People had never tasted anything quite like it.  We were written up by SF Gate in their article, “Highlights from the 2015 Winter Fancy Food Show (a.k.a. the best things we put in our mouths).”

Check out the write up here.

And next time you’re looking to switch up your morning routine, try your favorite greek yogurt topped with fresh fruit, granola and a drizzle of our balsamic! You’ll be hooked, trust us.